
Dear November..

Dear November,
I have been waiting for you to come for now 12 months from today. You have so many cool things that happen In your month, like ALLISON'S birthday (20),Fallish events,Thanksgiving and of course decorating for christmas. And like always a lot of treats because of the holidays.
Thanks for being such a cool month I hope it will be good and many cool things will happen.
p.s. 63 on minimum posts left till next year (2011)
Have a very enjoyable month !!!

1 comment:

  1. Lillian your so cute! I love these little letters that you write to each month.They are the cutest thing ever!!!Im am very excited for November too.


About Me

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My name is Lillian Evans,I live in Arizona,I'm a Mormon and love it,I have recently become addicted to blogging,I have a amazing family who loves me and I love the them very much,I don't now how to describe me
