
865 copies...no thank you

This is my first time being office aid this year,and I'am still getting used to things around the office.
So today Mr.Green Comes in the office and asks if he can have 1 copy of each paper printed.
So I said yes and I have never made a copy at the school so I asked the secutariy if she would teach me how to make copies.
We go into the copy room and she shows me how to, and ( I did't really get it, there was way to many buttons with no purpose's)
so she leaves and i am in the corner confused so much so I  thought that it wouldn't be that bad so... (p.s. she also said that you have to punch in the teachers school number so they now how much copies you made every year.)anyway so I press in the number for the teacher(865)and I thought I put in how many copies i wanted(1)and pressed the start button after one page came out I thought it was done because that is "how much I thought I put in ".as soon as I realized that I pressed the stop button really really fast...I think all went well no one found out so that was super good. when I came back the next day no one even asked!!
P.s. today again someone asked me to make another copy and so to make sure I asked someone else to teach me and every thing went great I think I am now considered a copying ninja. 

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My name is Lillian Evans,I live in Arizona,I'm a Mormon and love it,I have recently become addicted to blogging,I have a amazing family who loves me and I love the them very much,I don't now how to describe me
