
Part 3 ~the finale

 erin and me (i am in the shadow)
 I was looking at the camera and smiling, while Erin was looking at a strage guy in the allie ( I had no idea what was going on other than that we where taking pictures)

Part 2 ~ it's a bit weird putting pictures of just me

This is weird putting pictures of just of me
but this what me and Erin did 
so I sort of have to put them on

 I don't know how my hand got like that :D

 Sometimes life can be a bit fuzzy... but it all ways clears up

{part one... Erin}


oh Erin 

Erin was trying to open the door ... She cracks me up

After we went to the  temple we decided we would go take some goofy pictures on main street and so these are some of the pictures that came out of your crazy day haha.
Every time we would try to take a picture 
we would always make weird/funny faces and I didn't even put all the ones of her 
P.S. it was a lot funnier there then it seems on this post.


Gila Valley Temple

If you look closely then you might just see the moon. 

About Me

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My name is Lillian Evans,I live in Arizona,I'm a Mormon and love it,I have recently become addicted to blogging,I have a amazing family who loves me and I love the them very much,I don't now how to describe me
