
Part 3 ~the finale

 erin and me (i am in the shadow)
 I was looking at the camera and smiling, while Erin was looking at a strage guy in the allie ( I had no idea what was going on other than that we where taking pictures)


  1. I love these pictures, you are very good at photography, but hmm....who is the strange guy in the alley? Maybe you should rethink your photo places.

  2. That was so fun! I had a blast Lillian. Thanks for being such an AMAZING friend. We are going to have to do that again. They turned out great.


About Me

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My name is Lillian Evans,I live in Arizona,I'm a Mormon and love it,I have recently become addicted to blogging,I have a amazing family who loves me and I love the them very much,I don't now how to describe me
